鄧裕鴻(南非)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2015-1-25 20:08:09


2015 Currency Conversion by the Authority2015货币兑换MOU   NO.SP15 (   )
The fund holder will proceed the “2015 Currency Conversion”, and will arrange cash funds ______________ either in *USD/HKD/EUR currency in a bank account in any bank of Hong Kong.
资金方将現金资金 *美元/港元/欧元 ______________亿进行“2015货币兑换”。该资金方持有者必须是在香港的任何一间银行內的美元/港元/欧元币种的银行账户內。
Procedures: 操作流程
1. The fund holder prepares a signed HK cheque with the filled exchange amount. 资金方预备一张已填上兑换金额及签名的个人支票,或已盖章及签名的公司支票。
2. The fund holder signs the MOU with the Operator, and submits the filled and signed cheque copy with passport copy to the Operator before 11am, the exchange amount will be directly deducted from the cheque account, and at the same time the 100% will be transferred from the Authority to the same cheque account and 4% will be to the designated account of the fund provider before 3pm the same day. The fund holder also agrees to bank in the cheque or transfer the fee to all intermediaries. 资金方与操作方网签订正式谅解备忘录,並在早上十一时前呈交已填上兑换金额及签名的支票拍照本,以及银行系统记录的护照副本给操作方,然後有关当局会在下午三时前直接在资金方支票帐户內扣帐,並同一时间汇入100%兑换货币金额,以及汇入4%奖金到资金方指定帐户。资金方並同意在同一天存入支票或直接转帐中介费到各受益人帐户。
3. In case the fund holder provides fake information or thers are no sufficient funds in the cheque account submitted, the bank account of the fund holder will be freezed, and the passport will be reported to the Authority and FED to be blacklisted, even the fund holder will be rejected to arrive HK or arrested at Customs for criminal case. 如资金方呈交假资料或支票帐內没有可供兑换资金,资金方有关帐户有机会被冻结,以及护照会被上报到当局及美联储列入黑名单人士,甚至拒绝入境或被检控刑事罪。
This document shall be governed and construed in accordance with current English or I.C.C 400/500/600 laws.管辖法律:本协议属 I.C.C 400/500/600 等条文之归范。The total BONUS covered by this IMFPA is 4% disbursed as follows:- 4% 獎金分配如下:
Name of Beneficiary         Portion        Beneficiary Bank        Account Number
2)        0.5%               
TOTAL :         4%               
资金方FUND HOLDER                                                      操作方OPERATOR

个人签名或授权董事 Signatory                                        签名 Signatory
日期Date                                                         日期 DateJan 22, 2015

邹超(英国)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2015-2-21 08:15:14


邹超(英国)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2015-2-21 11:16:50


鄧裕鴻(南非)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2015-2-21 18:42:41

邹超(英国) 发表于 2015-2-21 08:15 static/image/common/back.gif

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