李君婕 发表于 2016-2-24 18:04:55



There are three main types of barriers to finding the love of your life:
1. You are strongly attracted to the wrong people.
2. You have emotional blocks to being with the right people, leading to self-sabotage.
3. You are not aligned with bringing your soulmate into your life.
One or more of these types of barriers may be the source of the problem. Often, it's all three of them.
1 你总是被那些“错误”的人所吸引;
2 你与那些对的人之间总是存在感情障碍,最终导致自我破坏;

Being Attracted to the Wrong People
If you are attracted to the wrong people, then all of your time and energy will be wasted in
painful, dead-end relationships. This unhappy situation will obviously make it hard to find and
be with the right person. So, what causes you to be attracted to the wrong people?
As you grow up, you unconsciously form an image of your future partner based on the strongest traits of your parents, both good and bad. You will then be subconsciously attracted
to people with similar traits. This is not a problem for the good traits, but it can be a big
problem for the bad ones.
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