黄弼唯(澳大利亚)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2014-8-4 18:32:06


周洲 发表于 2014-9-22 14:17:27


李定堃 发表于 2014-10-9 17:57:08

支持支持,兼职请到我的主页:话题中 <br />
翻译大神们请注意:<br />
翻译国内知名互联网公司老板邀请 全职、兼职均可!<br />
要求:手头有美国签证,10月15日左右去美国出差,待1-2个月,形象气质佳,英语母语一般的人关注!<br />
35岁以下,男女均可,熟悉金融、互联网一个行业即可。<br />
薪酬电话沟通确定,请尽快发送简历至2066460109@qq.com <br />
简历请附带一张国际范照片,尽快尽快,截止日期2014年10月10日上午12点前。<br />
<br />

vivian.gu 发表于 2014-10-16 22:06:44

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>张清华(日本)</b>: 谢谢,大力支持。我们猎头要服务企业,成就人才。<img src="image/face/22.gif" class="face"></span></div>The part 1,&nbsp;&nbsp;Overseas the project company (branch) need : General Manager of Project Company ,project management, marketing,sales consultant , customer service representative,finance, design class,Work address distribution in the position:<br />
1, Madrid, Spain, the project company<br />
2, the United States - project company of Chicago, Los Angeles, the project company<br />
3, the UK - London project company,<br />
4, - Auckland, New Zealand<br />
5, Australia, -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Australia project company<br />
please send CV to hr specialist mailbox 1592789216 @qq.com.Need passport number, photos of formal specification in the CV.<br />
The part 2 :<br />
Multimedia, TMT industry listed company needs a VP, age 33--43 years old, minimum master degree, responsibility is group capital operation, project investment, small company mergers, acquisitions.<br />
please send CV to hr specialist mailbox 1592789216 @qq.com.Need passport number, photos of formal specification in the CV.

vivian.gu 发表于 2014-10-16 22:06:44

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>张清华(日本)</b>: 谢谢,大力支持。我们猎头要服务企业,成就人才。<img src="image/face/22.gif" class="face"></span></div>The part 1,&nbsp;&nbsp;Overseas the project company (branch) need : General Manager of Project Company ,project management, marketing,sales consultant , customer service representative,finance, design class,Work address distribution in the position:<br />
1, Madrid, Spain, the project company<br />
2, the United States - project company of Chicago, Los Angeles, the project company<br />
3, the UK - London project company,<br />
4, - Auckland, New Zealand<br />
5, Australia, -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Australia project company<br />
please send CV to hr specialist mailbox 1592789216 @qq.com.Need passport number, photos of formal specification in the CV.<br />
The part 2 :<br />
Multimedia, TMT industry listed company needs a VP, age 33--43 years old, minimum master degree, responsibility is group capital operation, project investment, small company mergers, acquisitions.<br />
please send CV to hr specialist mailbox 1592789216 @qq.com.Need passport number, photos of formal specification in the CV.

孔薇(Australia)(0级持证会员) 发表于 2014-10-20 20:56:52


柏玮 发表于 2014-10-28 20:25:46

<div class="quote"><span class="q"><b>姜仁志</b>: 本人主做互联网方向的职位,合作的客户一二线互联网公司都有,技术、产品、运营职位,如果有想考虑机会,或者是行业内部的人,可以随时交流保持联系,谢谢。jrz</span></div>最近有没有PHP相关的职位,我这边有朋友。

庄律师 发表于 2014-11-3 00:57:59


春天 发表于 2014-11-4 10:52:45


石敏杰(尼日利亚) 发表于 2014-12-15 16:17:03

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