参加活动:22 次 组织活动:32 次 TA的每日心情 | 开心 2020-12-13 16:12 |
签到天数: 239 天 [LV.7]常住居民III
北京舉辦的《傳奇歸來,馬布里22周年籃球生涯紀念儀式》。除了馬布里的胞弟、萬希泉創辦人及總裁沈慧林(William)、「金槌」拍賣官金鈴,以及曾與他一起拍攝電影《我是馬布里》的吳尊,也專誠親臨現場。而為了紀念這重要時刻,馬布里與陀飛輪品牌萬希泉合作,推出特別版腕表。活動更獲傳媒廣泛報導,感謝各界支持! Stephon Marbury held the event of "Return of the Legend, Marbury’s 22nd Anniversary Basketball Ceremony" in Beijing. In addition to Marbury's younger brother, Memorigin CEO and president William Shum, the "Golden Hammer" auctioneer Jing Ling, and Wu Chun who once was acting in the film "I am Marbury", he also visited the event. In order to commemorate this important moment, Marbury cooperated with Memorigin to launch a special edition tourbillon watch. The event was widely reported by the media and thanks for all the support!

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