各位各位,这家公司在欧洲是处于垄断地位的,在中国现在发展的也很不错,在某些领域占有非常大的市场份额。现在他们公司在招聘 Account Manager,大家可以看看下面的信息,有兴趣的朋友欢迎跟我联系。工作地点是在上海或者青岛。待遇也是非常优厚的。
主要工作内容是两大块,老客户的维护工作和新客户的开发工作。由于公司客户是一些比较高端的客户,所以和Account Manager对接的客户应该是知名企业里面的一些中高级的管理层人员。所以公司喜欢候选人是思维比较活跃,能与各种各样的人打交道的人,英语要好,因为会有老外客户。优秀的应届毕业生也是可以考虑的。男女不限。
Job Description供大家参考,并不都是硬性条件,主要还是看人。
l Job responsibilities :
1. Responsible for developing new accounts through new and existing contacts 2. Achieve aggressive targets within a specified time frame 3. Manages sales order process, coordinating with customers, acknowledges and understands customer requirements, and expedites the process with internal associates 4. Closely work with internal associates such as program management, engineering, production and quality to manage completion of new product introduction in a timely manner 5. Closely work with Management for future planning and coordination
l The Ideal candidates must have the following characteristics:
1. Must have minimum 2-3 years experience working in a multi-national corporation in a high level sales position with excellent interpersonal and communication skills in English and Mandarin 2. Must be a self starter and extremely motivated to win
3. Creative and strategic with strong initiative, well-organized, detail-oriented and strong sense of responsibility and able to work independently. 4. Possess sophistication and poise to work with high visibility, internationally known clients 5. Proficient in MS office applications Word, Excel & Power Point
[本话题由 i_cathy 于 2011-07-18 15:44:37 编辑] |